Wednesday 9 September 2009

Stage 6

The alarm clock was a most unwelcome sound as it dragged me to life after far too little sleep to go and do it all again.

A tin of rice pudding topped up the energy reserves and I felt surprisingly OK as I got ready. A bit of to-ing and fro-ing got us out of the locked-up hotel, my spare gear into the car and me off to the start line. The first stage was a shortish cycle of around an hour to the first transition at the North end of Thirlmere so the hardy support crew were on their way only shortly after me (and thus missing out on the hotel's breakfast!).

I found my way to the start, collected my tracker and dibber from the crew (who had been seeing people off from the first start time at 6am!) and waited for my start to roll around. This it duly did and I headed off down the road for the hilly ride to the lake.

This passed without incident and I arrived at a rather crowded transition to find the crew just getting everything sorted.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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