Friday 11 September 2009

Stage 11

The lovely lady at the B&B had offered to do me breakfast so at before 7am I rolled downstairs to a steaming bowl of porridge; perfect pre-race food.

Filled up I headed out to a hopeful-looking morning which hinted at some nicer weather.

The first stage of the day was a huge 28km run up to and over Nine Standards Rigg, finishing at Keld for transition to bikes.

After a brief run along roads to get out of town we turned onto the trail up to the fell. This wriggled through some farmland and forests needing a bit of navigation which saw me overhaul a couple of teams as they puzzled over location. We were now into the Yorkshire Dales and the terrain was much gentler than previous days and the rocky ground had given way to peat and claggy mud. While this was less harsh on the body it was also pretty hard work.

After a diversion around a field which was now used as a private airfield and another bit of tricky nav we were out onto the fell for the climb up to the Nine Standards. The weather had closed in a lot and the top was again shrouded in mist and cloud, but at least the wind was at my back. I was feeling really good and soon the Nine Standards (nine huge cairns on the peak) loomed into view. Checking in with the marshall I headed off the top along the winter route which took a little though to locate as it wasn't initially a clear path (unlike the 'wrong' route which was) and need a bit of faith in the map to get on the right course. It was then a long boggy descent to the road which linked the two off-road sections of the winter route (used due to erosion on the direct route used in summer). The support crews were to wait here for their runner to pass so we got lots of encouragement which was great and I was relieved to see my crew had made it and therefore knew to move to the transition to wait for me.

Back on to rolling hill the route crossed some open land before entering a valley and following that all the way down to Keld. The ground remained pretty yucky, but I was feeling really strong and was pleased with the time I made to the transition.

The hilly 28km had taken 3 hours 13 minutes.

Mum and dad were very organised and had a chair set out for me to collapse into which was most welcome!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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