Friday 14 August 2009

What are we up to?

Over the August bank holiday weekend I'll be taking part in an adventure race roughly along the Wainwright's coast-to-coast route from St Bees to Robin Hood Bay. We'll be running, cycling, kayaking and swimming a total of about 200 miles over 4 days, pausing to change disciplines and stopping for overnight rests.

A rough map of the route is here :- which gives a vague idea of the undertaking.

Preparation for the event has been rather turbulent. Getting the required kayaking certificates and sorting a boat to paddle for the event have presented a few hitches, and just getting my head around the scale of the event has been tough. With two weeks to go I think most things are finally in place, and my team mate should even be on the plane on the way to the UK. Liam's trekking half way round the world to join me for the event. The original plan was to do the race as a pair, but it soon became clear that Liam would be with a good chance of winning it, and I'll be aiming for mid-field obscurity at best, so we've split up and will race as solos.

We've had some great support getting everything in place. Avoncraft, For Goodness Shakes, Cycledealia, Epic Kayaks and various friends and family have made huge contributions to get us to the start line.

I'll try and keep this up to date with the final days of preparation, and come the event you'll be able to follow live GPS tracks and there should be updates on here and at where we're official reporters.

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