Saturday 29 August 2009

Day two, done

Another 4800 calories expended and I've made it to Kirkby Stephen in
just under 9 hours.

The day started at 7:34 with a quick cycle to Thirlmere to paddle the
lake to the southern end. This went pretty well and although there
was a bit of wind, nothing too nasty, and it was despatched in under
an hour.

It was then up on to Helvellyn to climb to the summit and then descend
along Striding edge to just outside Glenridding. The ascent was done
in a howling wind and the last bit in the cloud with no visibility.
Fortunately it's a very clear track so no problems with navigation,
but all the way up I felt like Frodo running from the Black Riders as
following runners appeared through the mist before being swallowed up

I checked in with the marshall at the summit (who deserves the biggest
medal of us all - he was up there for hours bundled up in a sleeping
bag hiding from the incessent wind) and headed off down the ridge.

Just as I left the summit the weather cleared and there was a
beautiful view right along the ridgeline.

Striding Edge is a pretty sharp arete so it was a cautious descent
clambering over the rocks. From 'Hole in the wall' it was then a run
down the side of the fell descending towards the river where
transition was to be in the Patterdale YHA. I got to transition after
2.5 hours and was soon paddling along the river into Ullswater (with a
small delay to rescue the guy who capsized getting on - a thank you
would have been nice ...).

This was definitely a low point. The wind was blowing and it was
pretty choppy; I was definitely not comfortable in the waves, but made
progress and was boosted when Liam came hurtling past with some
advice, which got me going again.

Finally I made it to the end, and hopped out (well, fell and splashed)
into the waiting arms of the support crew.

A rather lengthy sit down ensued to get over the kayak and then I was
out on the big for the hilly slog to Kirkby Stephen. Buy was it hilly
- up-down-up-down all the way. Finally it looked like a downhill run
to the finish and the wind swung road into a headwind and it started

Finally I made it across the finish line with very little energy to spare.

I've cried off camping again so have the luxury of a hotel room which
makes life that bit easier.

Food, briefing and bed now.

Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Kevin!!
    Can't believe you've been right through my playground.
    Good luck with the rest and enjoy!
